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FLOWi Challenges - SDGs & Positive Impact Radar by UNEP Finance

In 2019, FLOWi launched Investor-Company online challenges around the themes of the Positive Impact Radar with UNEP Finance Blessing.

FLOWi challenges were open calls and outreach campaigns which took place over the course of 2019 and 2020.

The challenges were organized around the EU Taxonomy and the 22 Impact Categories defined in the Positive Impact Finance Impact Radar tool which captures the core elements of the Sustainable Development Goals and is championed by UNEP Finance. The EU Taxonomy draft was a guidance.

The goal was to identify products & services which could generate, positive impact on the availability, accessibility, affordability, and quality in domains essential to Human Dignity and Development. Other applicable positive & negative impact categories were also be identified in line with the methodology.

7000 Impact leaders, stewards and investors answered the calls.

A Challenge example in partenership with EURADA

The challenge around the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA)

Population’s accessibility to full and productive employment and decent work, which delivers a fair income, security in the workplace, social protection for families, and involves prospects for personal development and social integration, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize and participate in the decisions that affect their lives and equality of opportunity and treatment.

International source: The International Labour Organisation

About the Positive Impact Radar by UNEP Finance

-A tool that captures the core elements of the SDGs

-Anchored in international definitions and standards

-Applicable in business for a holistic impact identification

-A common reference: global, neutral, practical”

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