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Squared Love
Crowdfunding campain pre-launch
Reserve your spot. We need you to make it happen.
Deadline - 15 December midnight
Join the mailing list to get to be among the first to pledge for the top rewards and make the comic book happen
With a magnificent sunrise, sunset and full moon view, Mark feels he is dying each day over and over again, Alice wants to change the world, Ella and Gaia play pirates at the park.
Squared Love is a graphic novel based on a true story of 4 people for which everything changes when the father is separated from his young family due to a chronic illness.
As they readjust to this new life where little makes sense, how can they find their way to cope, grow their love exponentially, and feel at peace with an impossible situation and, at the same time not giving up?
A story for all of those who care for a loved one or those ill
about the power of love, dealing with handicap and a neurological chronic illness as a family
forging new identities and narratives,
"keeping house while drowning" and subliming reality.
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